Killed by %s You killed %s You killed yourself Players left: Players left on your team: Alpha Team Scores! %s scores for Alpha Team Bravo Team Scores! %s scores for Bravo Team You got the Flag! Yellow Flag captured! %s got the Yellow Flag Red Flag returned! %s returned the Red Flag Blue Flag returned! %s returned the Blue Flag You got the Blue Flag! Blue Flag captured! %s captured the Blue Flag You got the Red Flag! Red Flag captured! %s captured the Red Flag You returned the Objective! Objective returned! %s returned the Objective You got the Objective! Objective captured! %s captured the Objective You got the Bow! %s got the Bow! Flame God Mode! Predator Mode! Bulletproof Vest! Berserker Mode! Cluster grenades! Now playing... Playing... Kill everything that moves. Get 1 point for kill. If you carry the Yellow Flag you get 2 points for kill. Also you get multipoints for multikills. Up to 4 teams fight against each other. Capture the enemy flag and bring it to your base to score. "First Blood" style. Whoever owns the Rambo Bow gains super Rambo powers. Only Rambo gets points for kill. Red team gets 30 points for retreiving the black flag. Blue team gets 1 point every 5 seconds if the flag is in base. This option will be available to you after registering. To register now just type in your browser. Unregistered version Error initializing 3D Hardware. Your hardware does not support DirectX 8. Be sure to install the latest video drivers. Now software will be used... Could not initialize DirectX Graphics. You must have installed DirectX 8 or better. Try running Soldat in compatibility mode. Error initializing D3DX engine. Error loading texture: Error creating font. ESC - return to game Alpha team wins Bravo team wins Charlie team wins Delta team wins %s wins Game paused Time Players Player: Kills: Points: Deaths: Ping: Primary Weapon: Secondary Weapon: Respawn in... %s players left team players left End of round... You have survived Select Team: Following Following Free Camera Ping: a game by press ESCAPE to continue Cannot load texture: Error Weapons menu disabled Weapons menu active Die Flag! Initializing DirectX Graphics. Warning. WARNING: ERROR: Graphics restart Start Game Join Game Time Left: seconds minutes -> Map Voting Started Map Voting Closed <- IP number unbanned Recieve: Send: %s gets a ping warning %s is flooding the server %s is sending too many packets %s disconnected %s could not respond Game Server not registered Trying to re-register Connection timeout Connection problem Could not load %s Soldat.ini - File missing or wrong version. Try to reinstall the game. Soldat.ini file error Unregistered version. If you like this game please support it and register Unregistered. You seem to play this game often, please consider registering Registered to: Welcome to Soldat Exit to menu Change map Kick player Change team 1 Alpha Team 2 Bravo Team 3 Charlie Team 4 Delta Team <<<< >>>> Kick Ban Select Show Real Lag OFF Show Real Lag ON Music playing... Music paused... Music stopped... Bot file not found %s has joined the game %s has joined alpha team %s has joined bravo team %s has joined charlie team %s has joined delta team Download map banned added to Remote Admins removed from Remote Admins Respawn time is Respawn time changed to Maximum Respawn time is Maximum Respawn time changed to Current kill/point/capture limit is kill/point/capture limit changed to Current bonus frequency is Bonus frequency changed to Current time limit is Time limit changed to Current server password is Currently there is no server password Server password changed to Current admin password is Currently there is no admin password Admin password changed to %s has joined the game. Too many bots. Uncheck 1 or more. Server running... Dedicated server running... Game started. No maps found Realistic Mode ON Survival Mode ON Deathmatch started! Pointmatch started! Teammatch started! Capture the enemy flag! Find the Rambo Bow! Infiltration started! Too many random bots. Could not load all (!) Jet fuel is map specific. There can be more or less on certain maps. (!) To leave your current weapon after respawn click anywhere outside the weapons menu. (!) To prevent weapon recoil fire single shots or short bursts. Clanmatch enabled Game server not registered Registering server @ ASE Dedicated server option enabled. Can't join. Requesting Game... Cannot play with modified animations. Please reinstall the game. Cannot play with modified objects. Please reinstall the game. Weapon and Gostek graphics cannot exceed size 64x64 and 16x16. Network play is impossible. Please reinstall the game if this is not intentional. Requesting forwarded game... End of game Players: Kill limit: Point limit: Capture limit: Kills limit: Press key or mouse button for action: Key OK Mouse Button OK Mouse Wheel OK Move Left Move Right Jump Crouch Throw Grenade Change Weapon Drop Weapon Reload Weapon Fire Fly Chat Go Prone Team Chat Weapons Menu Too many bots It's a tie Requesting... DirectInput Initialized Lobby server is not responding. If it isn't your connections fault please try later. Request Servers Ping All Pinging Ban time Type time that the player will be banned (in minutes). If ban is permanent leave empty space %s has been kicked. %s has been kicked and banned for %s minutes %s has been kicked and permanently banned You have voted to kick from the game Your map vote is: Default (Last used) New Profile Enter name: Module not found. Please reinstall the game. (TEAM) banned for flooding Requesting game... %s has left the game %s has left alpha team %s has left bravo team %s has left charlie team %s has left delta team added to Game Admins tried to login as Game Admin with bad password ping ms Average Ping: is cheating Lobby server pinging from Game server added to lobby server @ Game Server REGISTERED Client forwarded from (ping) Connection accepted... Connection accepted to Map not found or can't be downloaded Joining... Waiting to join game... Vote map Vote kick Wrong game versions. Your version: Server Version: Server password needed You have been banned on this server Server is full Wrong map version detected Cluster Grenades! Server disconnected %s has disconnected %s has been disconnected %s is changing teams %s has been ping kicked (for 15 minutes) %s has been flood kicked (for 20 minutes) %s has been kicked from console %s has been 'connect cheat' kicked %s has been kicked for possible cheat %s has left the game %s has been voted to leave the game *SERVER* Next map: -> Server Map Voting Open -> Select the map from the menu if you want to play it -> Time Left: Server Map Voting Closed <- Greetings from server... Joining server... Pinging server... Forwarding through lobby... please wait Error: Server not found Error: Registering server @ Downloading servers Yes No sec. Survival None Very Few Few Often Much Max Game Servers: - Players: Counting map votes No map has been voted Game server added to ASE Start Game Join Game Options Player Exit Game Style: Goal: Kill limit: Maps: Loop Bots: Survival Mode Realistic Mode Random Bots: Bot Team: Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Start Game Time Limit: Game server IP: Port: Password: Default: 23073 Join Game Disconnect Servers List: Server Filters: Players: Game Type: Other: Is Dedicated Not Passworded No Bots Survival Mode Realistic Mode No Bonuses Name Map Players Max Game Type Ping Speed Dedicated Password Bots Respawn Type Bonuses Realistic System IP Port Anticheat Request Servers Internet Local Cancel Ping All Filters Game Respawn Time (seconds) Normal Respawn: Min and max time in team games: Bonuses Frequency (0-none): Cluster Vest Weapons Eagles Mp5 Ak74 Steyr Spas 12 Ruger M79 Barrett Minimi Minigun SOCOM Knife Chainsaw LAW Maximum Grenades Friendly Fire Mouse Sensitivity (%): Network Connection: LAN Internet Register in lobby server Maximum Players: Balance Teams Game Name: Game Password: Visuals: Interface Style: Player Indicator Sniper Line Bots Difficulty: Stupid Poor Normal Hard Impossible Chat Sound Sound Volume (%) Music Volume (%) Explosion Effect Distant Battle Game Music: None "Bloody Soil" "Gore" "Necromancide" Mp3 music: Berserker Predator Flame God Player Name: Player Colors: Skin: White Dark Black Hair: Army Normal Punk Mr.T Style Dreadlocks Hair: Headgear: Helmet Hat Nothing Chain Style: None Dog Tags Gold Secondary Weapon: Controls Press button to change control Fire Fly Jump Move Left Move Right Crouch Prone Throw Grenade Change Weapon Drop Weapon Reload Weapon Chat Team Chat Weapons Menu Welcome to Soldat. Please select your user profile: Add Delete OK Exit Please read information: You have an unregistered version of Soldat. If you like this game please support it and register To register or just see the benefits of registering CLICK the 'REGISTRATION INFO' button below. Check the Soldat Manual or the Soldat Home Page for more information. Soldat Home Page Soldat Manual Registration Info OK Amount of kills until next map Time that one map will be played Loop map list after the last one has been played Game mode without respawning after death. Everyone respawns after one player or team survives. Realistic game mode: health is low, falling damage, weapons have recoil, you only see what your player sees. Type the IP number of server on the Internet or your LAN The port number of the server on the Internet or LAN If needed type the servers password here Cancels the connection Gets the list of local or internet Soldat servers Cancels all actions Checks the ping time of all servers in list Used to request filtered servers Time that it takes for the player to respawn after death. Maximum respawn time in CTF, Teammatch, Infiltration and HTF. A global respawn timer is used so everyone that dies waits until this timer ends and teammates respawn at the same time together. The time is based on the amount of players in the game. Maximum amount of grenades that you can hold. Also amount of grenades in grenade boxes. Start grenades = half of max grenades. If checked you can hurt your teammates Check this if you are playing through LAN or single player Check this if you are playing through the Internet Maximum amount of human players that are allowed on your server If this is checked your server will be registered on the Soldat lobby server and internet players will see your game in the servers list If this is checked players that join the server will be forced to join team with less players (CTF & Infiltration) Your servers name, will be viewed in the servers list Password for your server, so only players that know it can join Different interface styles. Custom interfaces are placed in the Soldat\Custom-Interfaces folder. Shows a little arrow above the players head. Shows a line between the player and cursor. Bots talk Sound effect played when an explosion hits nearby your player Distant battle sounds that can be heard when you're far away from the action List of MP3 files that will be played during the game. The MP3's are placed in the Soldat\Mp3 folder. Shirt and helmet color Pants color default: Left Mouse Button default: Right Mouse Button default: W default: A default: D default: S default: X default: E default: Q default: F default: R default: T default: Y default: Tab All Not Full Not Empty Not Full and Not Empty Friendly Fire is Friendly Fire changed to Voting percent is Voting percent changed to Max players is Max players changed to Cannot use lobby servers if anti-cheat is disabled Stationary Guns Stationary guns on maps on/off Fullscreen Dithering Antialiasing Bitrate Refresh rate Default Average High Video Adapters: Save and Exit Sound Quality Low Normal High Sound Output Type: Sound Driver List: Particles on screen Maximum (default) Less Even less Bot Seeing Quality Great Normal (default) Poor Very Poor Render bullet trails Render weather effects Show Death Console File logging Server Internet connection speed: Game port (default 23073): Max player ping (ms): Servers greetings message (max 50 chars): Server link (web page address or admins e-mail - max. 60 chars): Never forward clients (firewall with open ports) Register server with All-Seeing Eye (ASE) Troubleshooting: Video Compatibility Force Software Blank screen while bonus fix (ATI cards) Backbuffer Count Texture Filters: None Point Linear (default) Anisotropic Language: OK Play Intro Clanmatch (team colors are based on first player in team) Graphics Sound More Performance Network DirectX not working. Please be sure to install DirectX 8 or higher. default Video settings are not compatible with your system or hardware. Please click OK and choose different settings. Click Cancel to ignore this warning and save the settings. Config Error No Sound Output found. No Sound Drivers found Render smooth polygons Spectator Jet flames: %s has joined as spectator Recording demo: Playing demo: Demo stopped Recording Please register to record demos as long as you want. Check this if you don't want to play just watch the game %s has left spectators Could not find scenery: Original map scenery cannot be modified. Please reinstall the game. Advance Mode Players are limited to secondary weapons on game start. A new weapon can be selected every couple of kills (set with the Advance Amount option). Player loses weapons on death with the same rules. Bullet Time If enabled a slow motion bullet time effect appears when all players are near a death. Vote: Map Kick F12 - Yes F11 - No You have voted on %s You have voted to kick %s %s is muted %s is unmuted Advance Mode on Downloading... Connected. Requesting file Could not download file Can't vote for 2:00 minutes after joining game or last vote Get the yellow flag and hold it with your team for as long as possible. The team earns 1 point every 5 seconds of holding. Hold the flag! Advance amount: The amount of kills needed to gain a new weapon in Advance Mode. Also the amount of deaths needed to lose a weapon. Loaded weapons mod Type reason for vote: Voter: Reason: Weapons Mod Hold fire to shoot, while crouching or prone Can be thrown by holding throw weapon button Hold fire to shoot, inaccurate while moving Settings : change% (present/default) |-Damage : |-Ammo : |-Reload : |-Speed : |-Bink : |-Rate : |-Acc. : Sniper Line disabled on this server Config reloaded No weapon Favourites Add Adds current server to favourites list Favourites Delete Deletes current server from favourites list Server uses weapon mod (checksum killed by admin Automatically take screenshots of final game score Sponsor advertisement: Opening web browser... 5 Spectator Open link in browser Open link after you finish the game Windowed mode resize %: 0% = no resize; 100% = fullscreen Resolution Default keys (shown for first 3 game runs) [A]/[D] move left/right [W]/[S]/[X] jump / crouch / lie down [Left Mouse] fire! [Right Mouse] jet boots hold [E] to toss grenade [R] reloads weapon [Q] change weapon / [F] throw weapon [T] chat / [Y] team chat Server uses Anticheat Anitcheat enabled Failed to load Anticheat Secure %s has been kicked for Anticheat violation Soldat is hidden here Your registration key is invalid or in use. Please e-mail with your registration date, name or e-mail address used for registering. Resolution filters: Activated weapon: Deactivated weapon: Gamma Works only in fullscreen mode. Right button sets default value. XXX Start Soldat after Exiting Config TeamSpeak Integration ActionSnap Portal Flagthrow Login Username: Create Account Lost Password? Remember me Automatically log in Play Offline / LAN Waiting to login... Edit Portal Profile Logging in... Invalid username or password This account is banned Logging in too frequently... Login success! Your connection has timed out Username is too short Password is too short Server could not verify your hardware id The name "%s" is registered to another player Please try using a different name Verifying login information.... Please wait... Server unable to verify your Login Information Press F5 to View Screen Cap Press F4 to Save Screen Cap Press F5 to Cancel %s dropped the %s Flag %s Flag dropped! File Downloads File Progress: Total: TeamSpeak Animated Scenery Please try log out and back in Weapon: % Shots: Hits: Kills (HS): Please register Soldat to access this feature (Updated every 10 seconds) HS = Headshots % = Accuracy Sensitivity: Sorry, but you can not join this Anticheat protected server. Soldat's Anti-Cheat is not compatible with your version of Windows. To play in Anticheat enabled servers, please use Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Logout Render background scenery Minimum Respawn time is Minimum Respawn time changed to Minimum respawn time in CTF, Teammatch, Infiltration and HTF. A player can't have a respawn time less than this. Minimum respawn time has to be less than maximum respawn time Maximum respawn time has to be greater than minimum respawn time Maps Background Colors Force Background Colors Color1: Color2: Radio Menu Flag Throw Official home page Official forums Deathmatch Pointmatch Rambomatch Capture the Flag Teammatch Infiltration Hold the Flag Shirt: Pants: current: Key Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button Middle Mouse Button Mouse Button Mouse Wheel default: G default: V